In the following hadiths Rasulullah, peace be upon him, said, "Do not make ill-prayer, i.e., do
not curse, for yourselves and for your children. Be content with the Decree of Allahu ta’ala.
Pray to Him so that He may increase His blessings for you." And "The ill-prayers of
parents about their children and an oppressed person's ill-prayer about the oppressor will
not be rejected." A person who prays that another Muslim should become a disbeliever
becomes a disbeliever himself. Desiring that an oppressing person should die as a disbeliever so
that he may suffer eternal punishment, would not cause disbelief. We are informed in the Qur'an
that Moses (Musa), peace be upon him, made such a prayer. Imam al-azam Abu Hanifa, may
Allahu ta’ala be pleased with him, said that desiring that someone should become a disbeliever
causes disbelief for the desiring person. It is forbidden to make ill-prayer for persons other than
oppressing persons. It is permissible (Jaiz) to make ill-prayers for an oppressing person as much
amount as equal to his oppression. The permissible amount should be commensurate with his
oppression. Not making ill-prayer, being patient and even forgiving the oppressing person is a
better act. It is not permissible to say "may Allahu ta’ala give you long life" to any disbeliever or
to a non-Muslim citizen of an Islamic state. It is permissible to make such a prayer with the
following intentions, e.g., in order for him to become Muslim or in order for him to pay his taxes
so that Muslims would become stronger. A person who gives greetings (Salam) to a disbeliever
in a revering manner becomes a disbeliever. Saying any word which would come to mean a
reverence to a disbeliever causes disbelief. For example, saying "My master" to a disbeliever
causes disbelief.
not curse, for yourselves and for your children. Be content with the Decree of Allahu ta’ala.
Pray to Him so that He may increase His blessings for you." And "The ill-prayers of
parents about their children and an oppressed person's ill-prayer about the oppressor will
not be rejected." A person who prays that another Muslim should become a disbeliever
becomes a disbeliever himself. Desiring that an oppressing person should die as a disbeliever so
that he may suffer eternal punishment, would not cause disbelief. We are informed in the Qur'an
that Moses (Musa), peace be upon him, made such a prayer. Imam al-azam Abu Hanifa, may
Allahu ta’ala be pleased with him, said that desiring that someone should become a disbeliever
causes disbelief for the desiring person. It is forbidden to make ill-prayer for persons other than
oppressing persons. It is permissible (Jaiz) to make ill-prayers for an oppressing person as much
amount as equal to his oppression. The permissible amount should be commensurate with his
oppression. Not making ill-prayer, being patient and even forgiving the oppressing person is a
better act. It is not permissible to say "may Allahu ta’ala give you long life" to any disbeliever or
to a non-Muslim citizen of an Islamic state. It is permissible to make such a prayer with the
following intentions, e.g., in order for him to become Muslim or in order for him to pay his taxes
so that Muslims would become stronger. A person who gives greetings (Salam) to a disbeliever
in a revering manner becomes a disbeliever. Saying any word which would come to mean a
reverence to a disbeliever causes disbelief. For example, saying "My master" to a disbeliever
causes disbelief.