Hypocrisy (Nifak) is one's inside not being conforming to one's outside. When a person who has
disbelief in his heart says he is a believer with his speech, his action is religious-hypocrisy. If a
person who has the animosity in his heart shows friendship with his behavior, this would be a
worldly-hypocrisy. The worst kind of disbelief is the religious-hypocrisy. The leader of the
hypocrites of the city of Madina was Abdullah bin Salul. When they saw the victory of Muslims
at the Badr war, they professed themselves as Muslims. But they did not believe through their
hearts. Rasulullah, peace be upon him, said, "May Allahu ta’ala and His angels curse upon
those who speak friendship to Muslims but show the animosity through their behavior."
And "A hypocrite has three signs: he lies, he does not keep his promise, and he violates the
trust shown to him." A person of this type is a hypocrite even if he says he is Muslim and even
if he performs "salat" prayer.