"Taswif" is the postponement of doing good deeds. It is "Musara'at" to act quickly in doing good
deeds. It is reported in a hadith, "Perform repentance 'Tawba' before you die. Act quickly
when doing good deeds before an obstruction rises to block performance of those good
deeds. Remember Allahu ta’ala much. Act quickly in giving 'Zakat' and alms. You will
receive sustenance 'Rizq' and help from your Lord by doing these." And "Know the value
of five things before five things arrive: value of life before death; value of health before
sickness; value of earning Akhirat in the world; value of youth before old age; and value of
wealth before poorness." A person who doesn't give the obligatory almsgiving (Zakat) and
doesn't spend his wealth in the way of Allahu ta’ala would be very sorry upon losing his wealth.
In one hadith, Rasulullah, peace be upon him, said, "One who does ‘Taswif’ will perish."
[Imam ar-Rabbani, may Allahu ta’ala be well pleased with him, after a short period of entering
the toilet, knocked the door of the toilet to call the servant. The servant ran by thinking that he
probably forgot to prepare the water and a piece of rag for cleaning (Taharat). Imam ar-Rabbani
opened the door a little bit and handed his dress to the servant and told him, "Deliver this dress to
such and such a person as a gift." The servant bewilderingly asked, "Oh my master! Wouldn't it
be better if you would order this thing after you get out of the toilet? Why did you put yourself
into this much trouble?" The "Imam" replied. "Giving my dress to that poor person as a gift
crossed my mind in the toilet. I was afraid that if I would make 'Taswif' until I get out of the
toilet, the devil would probably give me evil suggestion 'Waswasa' so that I would give up doing
that good deed."]