Rejecting an excuse shown by a Muslim is disliked (Makruh.) Rasulullah, peace be upon him,
said, "It is a sin not to accept an excuse shown by a Muslim." Accepting excuses and
forgiving shortcomings are attributes of Allahu ta’ala. Allahu ta’ala will be angry with and
punish a person who does not act as such. There are three ways of showing excuses. In the first
case, one may say, "Why did I do that thing?" or "I did that thing for this reason." In the second
case, one might say, "I shouldn't do that thing," or "I did it but I will not do it again." In the third
case, one might say, "I did not do that thing" in order to deny it. Saying "I did it but I will not do
it again." would be repentance. A believer will wait for an excuse to be shown in order to forgive
him. Hypocrites want others' shortcomings to be exposed. In the following hadiths, Rasulullah,
peace be upon him, said, "You should be chaste. Do not commit ugly things. Also, let your
wives be chaste." And "If you yourselves are chaste, your wives would also be chaste. If you
give gifts to your parents, your children will also give gifts to you. A person who does not
accept an excuse of another Muslim will not drink water from the Kawsar lake in the next
world 'Akhirat'." This hadith applies to the Muslim who does not know that his Muslim brother
committed an evil action and also he doesn't know that his excuse is a lie. Because, refusing his
excuse would amount to "Su-i zan." Accepting his excuse while knowing that he is lying comes
to mean forgiving him. Forgiving in such circumstance is not necessary (Wajib) but